
龍佑機械 用心·專(zhuān)注·專(zhuān)心用質(zhì)量打造升降機械良心企業(yè)


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文章出處:www.limuzins.com 責任編輯:admin 人氣:1630 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2016-09-06 17:12:09

遼寧升降機所使用的調節閥在安裝時(shí)對環(huán)境及其它要求各有不同,這兒我們就來(lái)講講調節閥對遼寧升降機工作環(huán)境的要求及其安裝技巧。Liaoning elevator control valve used in the installation of the environment and other requirements of different, here we come to talk about the work environment of the Liaoning elevator to the requirements and installation skills.

1.調節閥屬于現場(chǎng)儀表,要求環(huán)境溫度應在-25~60℃范圍,相對濕度≤95%。如果是安裝在露天或高溫場(chǎng)合,應采取防水、降溫措施。在有震源的地方要遠離振源或增加防振措施。The regulating valve belongs to the field instruments, requirements of environmental temperature should be at - 25 to 60 DEG C, relative humidity is less than 95%. If it is installed in the open air or high temperature, should be taken to water, cooling measures. In a place away from the local oscillator source or increase the anti vibration measures.


2.調節閥一般應垂直安裝,特殊情況下可以?xún)A斜,如傾斜角度很大或者閥本身自重太大時(shí)對閥應增加支承件保護。Regulating valve generally should be installed vertically, special circumstances can be tilted, such as the tilt angle is large or the valve itself is too large when the valve should be added to support the protection of parts.

3.安裝調節閥的管道一般不要離地面或地板太高,在管道高度大于2m時(shí)應盡量設置平臺,以利于操作手輪和便于進(jìn)行維修。Installation of the pipeline is generally not from the ground or floor too high, in the pipeline height of more than 2m should be set as far as possible platform, in order to facilitate the operation of the hand wheel and easy maintenance.

4.安裝前應對管路進(jìn)行清洗,排除污物和焊渣。安裝后,為保證不使雜質(zhì)殘留在閥體內,還應再次對遼寧升降機進(jìn)行清洗。Before installation, the pipeline should be cleaned to remove dirt and welding slag. After installation, in order to ensure that the impurities are not left in the body, but also to the Liaoning lift for cleaning.

5.在發(fā)生故障或維修的情況下使生產(chǎn)過(guò)程能繼續進(jìn)行,調節閥應加旁通管路。In the event of failure or maintenance of the case so that the production process can continue to be adjusted, the valve should be added to the bypass line.

6.拆修后應注意加油潤滑,低速電機一般不要拆洗加油。裝配后還應檢查閥位與閥位開(kāi)度指示是否相符。Overhaul should be noted that after lubrication, low-speed motor is generally not washable. Assembly should also check the valve position and valve position indication is consistent.





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