
龍佑機械 用心·專(zhuān)注·專(zhuān)心用質(zhì)量打造升降機械良心企業(yè)


當前位置:首頁(yè) » 液壓升降機出現氣蝕怎么辦?


文章出處:www.limuzins.com 責任編輯:admin 人氣:2098 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2016-12-27 09:53:16

Attention should be paid to the hydraulic lift and overflow cavitation noise, hydraulic lift operation should always pay attention to the hydraulic pump and overflow valve sound, if the hydraulic pump "cavitation" noise, the exhaust can not be eliminated, should be identified to cause after troubleshooting. If a hydraulic lift actuator does not move slowly when there is no load, accompanied by overflow valve overflow sound, should immediately stop maintenance. The operator should remain stable, because the free clearance per device control system there are some differences in the degree of wear, the connecting parts of the different so the gap is different, the size of the output of the engine and hydraulic system are not the same. 

Only the use of hydraulic lift operator carefully explore, modify their manipulation to adapt to the personality of the device, after long-term operations, in order to develop a good personality in line with the operating habits of

equipment. General machinery industry adhere to the fixed machine system, which is one of the factors. 





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