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文章出處:www.limuzins.com 責任編輯:admin 人氣:1558 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2017-02-13 09:10:14

吉林升降機 http://www.limuzins.com/的會(huì )產(chǎn)生很大的噪音,哪么一般噪音都是由哪幾個(gè)方面造成的呢?電機、油缸、升降機構等都是噪音的來(lái)源。Jilin lifts will produce a lot of noise, which is generally caused by noise in which several aspects of it? Motor, oil cylinder, lifting mechanism are the source of noise.

1.我們在聽(tīng)到吉林液壓升降機噪音后,可以先檢查液壓泵、馬達、閥門(mén)及液壓安裝固定存在的問(wèn)題,看是不是由它們引起震動(dòng)產(chǎn)生的噪音。When we hear the noise of the hydraulic elevator in Jilin, we can check the problems of hydraulic pump, motor, valve and hydraulic installation.

2.如果我們在更換液壓油的時(shí)候,由于操作失誤,導致液壓缸內有空氣,在高壓的作用下,容易產(chǎn)生氣穴現象,產(chǎn)生高頻噪音。如果吉林升降機密封過(guò)緊或者新密封圈也會(huì )產(chǎn)生較大的噪音,這種情況一般磨合一段時(shí)間就會(huì )好了。If when we replace the hydraulic oil, due to operational errors, resulting in the air cylinder, under high pressure, prone to cavitation, produce high frequency noise. If Jilin lift seal tight or new sealing ring will have a greater noise, will this situation generally running for some time.

4.液壓升降機 http://www.limuzins.com/的溢流閥也能產(chǎn)生高噪音。當出現液壓油中混入空氣、溢流閥卡住或磨損嚴重、溢流閥的彈簧疲勞變形導致溢流閥調壓不穩定、溢流閥卸壓時(shí)間過(guò)短等狀況時(shí),容易導 致溢流閥的先導閥性能部分穩定。Hydraulic relief valve can also produce high noise. When the hydraulic oil mixed with air, the overflow valve stuck or serious wear and fatigue deformation caused spring relief valve pressure relief valve adjustment is not stable, the overflow valve pressure relief time is too short and other conditions, easily lead to the performance of the pilot valve stability of relief valve.

5.液壓油不足時(shí),吉林升降機液壓泵會(huì )產(chǎn)生吸空現象,導致空氣進(jìn)入液壓油中,也會(huì )產(chǎn)生高噪音。 When the hydraulic oil is not enough, the Jilin elevator hydraulic pump will produce suction phenomenon, leading to air into the hydraulic oil, but also produce high noise.

綜上所述,引起吉林液壓升降機噪音的原因是多方面的,我們在檢查原因時(shí),需要逐一排除,這樣才能真正解決升降臺噪音大的問(wèn)題。一般情況下需要專(zhuān)業(yè)的人員指導才能進(jìn)行查檢,客戶(hù)不要自己盲目的行事。To sum up, the cause of the hydraulic elevator noise in Jilin are many reasons, we check the reasons, the need to exclude one by one, so as to really solve the problem of large noise lifts. To check the need for professional guidance to the general staff, customers do not act blindly himself.






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